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Tooth Extractions in South Yarra Family Dental Care

If you have a tooth that’s been damaged by trauma or decay, it may require extraction. Whenever possible, the South Yarra Family Dental Care will try to save your tooth by using other solutions to restore it to health. If necessary, however, we’re well-equipped to walk you through a pain-free extraction process.

The Extraction Process

First, we’ll want to make sure that we have a full understanding of your medical history. Certain conditions can mean you have a higher risk of infection, and when needed we can prescribe antibiotics to be taken before treatment begins.

When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll start by taking an X-ray of the affected tooth to plan out how best to proceed with treatment. Then, we’ll apply a numbing gel to the area, making sure your discomfort is minimised. A local anaesthetic is injected next, making you completely numb. We’ll make sure you don’t feel any pain before continuing.

After the removal is complete, we’ll pack the socket with gauze and have you bite down to apply pressure. You’ll also be given aftercare instructions, which can be found below.

Aftercare and Recovery

We want to make sure you heal as quickly and comfortably as possible. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid drinking from a straw for 24 hours
  2. Refrain from excessive rinsing or spitting
  3. Avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours
  4. Eat soft foods
  5. Refrain from smoking
  6. Use painkillers as prescribed

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